Foundation for Better Government

The goal of this non-partisan Foundation is to present and invite ideas for improving the structure and the quality of government performance on a continuous basis. Every government must be responsive, responsible, efficient, economical, and free of corruption.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Political Crisis in the US.

April 29, 2008.
Political Crisis in the US.
By T.S. Khanna.

In every profession, the US has made great advances; in politics, great a deterioration. Presidency has now become virtually the unintended fourth branch of government. During the last few decades, each presidential election has caused more and deeper splits in the nation. The present form of our democracy is atomizing the nation. People are lacking the spirit for national emotional unity.

To save politics from further deterioration, and set a course for improvement, I recommend that we:
• Switch from presidential democracy to parliamentary democracy, the President would become a uniting force, not a divisive force in the nation;
• Institute prerequisites for candidacy of each elected office to ensure electability of only quality candidates;
• Settle prerequisites of knowledge for voters for each elected office;
• Fix 25 years as the minimum age for voters, political decisions must not be high-jacked by immature children;
• Shorten the election period, not exceeding four months;
• Move national elections from one day in November to two weather friendly days in May, second Saturday/Sunday;
• Establish a powerful election commission to propose strict laws and enforcement for fair elections;
• Impose reasonable restrictions on freedom of speech by requiring accountability;
• Deemphasize equality, reemphasize equality of opportunity;
• Amend the Constitution to eliminate any misinterpretation of its spirit, incorporate certain human values commonly supported by the mainstream religions;
• Initiate a grassroots movement to counter the resistance of vested interests against the needed reforms.

Is anyone listening?
