Foundation for Better Government

The goal of this non-partisan Foundation is to present and invite ideas for improving the structure and the quality of government performance on a continuous basis. Every government must be responsive, responsible, efficient, economical, and free of corruption.

Friday, August 06, 2010

Refining Democracy: Corruption Elimination

August 6, 2010

Refining Democracy: Corruption Elimination.
By T.S. Khanna

History informs us that great civilizations have been destroyed as they failed to check corruption in government. A government can best pursue its ideals and goals when it commands the confidence and loyalty of its people. Public confidence is damaged most by the public perception of corruption in governmental operations.

Government is both power of its people and power over its people. Misuse of power is corruption. Susceptibility to misuse of power is human weakness. People with a noble ambition of fighting corruption, themselves fall into the same trap when they gain power.

After centuries of struggle, democratic government has been evolved offering freedom and opportunities to the citizens. However, certain democratic rights, allow the powerful more opportunity for corruption without timely checks. Thus, democratic systems are more vulnerable to self-destruction by corruption.

Democratic systems may be protected by zero tolerance for corruption in government by
• Closely defining the “DO’NTS” of all public positions, both practice and public perception of integrity are equally important;
• Requiring all those who choose public service to first voluntarily forego the rights that do not permit easy and quick action against corrupt operations;
• Instituting a warning system that may precede any criminal proceedings, most officials are likely to stay within the bounds of integrity through the warning system;
• Summary trials for quick results;
• Exemplary punishment for injury to public trust (the higher the position, the greater may be the punishment for similar crimes);
• Encouraging and protecting the identity of whistle blowers.



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