Foundation for Better Government

The goal of this non-partisan Foundation is to present and invite ideas for improving the structure and the quality of government performance on a continuous basis. Every government must be responsive, responsible, efficient, economical, and free of corruption.

Tuesday, February 05, 2013

A Tale of Two Sisters By T.S.Khanna

Foundation for Better Government

February 5, 2013

A Tale of Two Sisters
By T.S.Khanna, February 5, 2013.

This is a tale of two sisters who quit their jobs to increase their income by not working.  The truth about this fiction may be verified by investigative journalism.

Recently, a realtor took a client to show a home for sale.  The owner informed him that she already got a short-sale contract allowed by the desperate bank to sell the house for the amount much less than owed to the bank.

With a pride in her smarts, she stated that she and her sister, who lived in the same neighborhood, are buying each other’s homes on short sale for about $15,000 cash, each.  Each sister owed about $95,000 as the bank mortgage.

The realtor cautioned her that the law does not allow relatives in short sale.  With a smile, she responded that her sister and she had been married several times, and, with their different last names, the bank cannot suspect the relationship.

Since both the sisters were currently divorced and out of jobs, they were entitled to Section 8 ($ 800/mo.) vouchers meant for renters.  So they rented each other’s newly purchased homes.  Under this plan, they did not have to move.  Just the same, they received their entitlement of $ 3,000.00 each as relocation expense.

The plan paid off; each sister was ahead $80,000 in forgiven debt, received $3,000 cash for relocation, and $800/mo., as rental income.

Additional claims for more children, even illegitimate, will continue to add to their incomes. 

If this fiction, describing the typical welfare operations, is true the present load of entitlements and the abuses will soon bankrupt the dollar and the nation.


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