Foundation for Better Government

The goal of this non-partisan Foundation is to present and invite ideas for improving the structure and the quality of government performance on a continuous basis. Every government must be responsive, responsible, efficient, economical, and free of corruption.

Sunday, June 04, 2023



 Ungovernable Americans

By T.S. Khanna, June 4, 2023,


To a great extent, man is the product of his environment, more so, of his younger years.  A person becomes ungovernable when he/she is dissatisfied, frustrated, non-compromising, erratic, undisciplined, or cannot see his own benefits.


There seem to be four reasons for this instability: Too much freedom to children; Belief in equality of all persons; Equality of diverse values; and, Freedom of Speech without accountability.


Too much freedom to children.  During the younger years, one learns the prevailing culture to share pain and pleasure with the family members and school friends under the direction of parents and teachers.  In the name of individual freedom to children, parents and teachers seem to have abdicated their responsibilities.  The children have developed their own subculture of defiance of parent-teacher authority, with encouraging protection under the law.  As these children become adults, they are misfits for an organized and disciplined society.


In any system, when there is something going wrong, the person in-charge takes corrective action.  But here there is no one in-charge.  In November 1990, Issue of Whittle Communications, Knoxville, Tenn., carried a special issue: “Are We Raising Rotten Kids; Shaping Manners and Morals in a Scary World”.  This reflected a great in-depth study for corrective action but got completely ignored. No one is charged with the responsibility of raising good children.


Belief in Equality of All Persons.  “…..All men are created equal….” Declaration of Independence, meant equal opportunity and equal treatment under the law for all.  But the misunderstood belief of equality of all in all respects has become a source of great dissatisfaction.  People feel dissatisfied when they see their “equals” have better income and possessions.  On the other hand, Union Wages have surpassed the wages of some well-educated people who feel dissatisfied that education has started having lesser value.  It has become a discouragement to higher education.


Equality of Diverse Values.  The equality enthusiasts have leveled diverse values in the name of democratic toleration.  When all values are equal, there are no values in a society.  There is nothing right or wrong, good or bad, and LGHBT is normal.  Most people are frustrated in this situation.


Freedom of Speech without Accountability.  America is still the land of greatest opportunity for an individual.  People have been making their positive contributions at various levels according to their skills.  People tailored their expenses to their income.  Higher levels served as source of inspiration for lower levels.  Thus, all people have been an asset to the nation.  However, lately, campaigns have been wrongfully inciting a large number of low information voters by misinforming them: “ Stop blaming your self for lower income.  Higher income people have rigged the system to their advantage.”   In the name of social justice, people have been misled to near violence for changing the “rigged system”.  This has caused en masse rendering of Americans into Ungovernable Americans.




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