BLUNDERS OF AMERICAN DEMOCRACY By T.S. Khanna, October 17, 2023.
Blunders of American Democracy
By T.S.Khanna, October 17, 2023.
Foundation For Better Government,
History shows there are no permanent solutions to political problems. The solution of one time can become a problem of another time. The blunders being committed by the American Democracy are invisible to the people involved in the system operations. They have become anesthetized to the sensitivities and the damage caused to the society by their routine operations and the two-party political culture they have developed.
The Founders intended to make America (USA) a strong nation. Currently, the nation is becoming weaker by the blunders committed inadvertently. Most of the problems are rooted in the barbaric freedoms without accountability; blind enthusiasm for equality; undefined and open-ended religious freedom, laying ground work for a future civil war; easy citizenship to foreigners and their eligibility to elected positions; and, absence of attention to defining, protecting, and promoting non-partisan American nation-building- interests.
Hereunder, the blunders, as we see, are pointed out. Discussion of their causes and solutions has been excluded.
1. Partisan President, bicameral congress, and the two-party system are dysfunctional and archaic. Need a structural change in government.
2. Deficit financing with a galloping debt and interest charges on the debt is nibbling the nation like a hidden termite. Economists have warned that on the day of reckoning the dollar could collapse in value. Governments are not charity institutions.
3. Inability of the Government to protect its borders. Look at the past fifty years of party disputes, giving us out of control borders and estimated twenty million illegal immigrants.
4. No attention to improving the quality of elected public officials and voters. There is a great need to revisit the Supreme Court’s ruling: “One-man-one-vote”. The most deserving talent never gets a chance on elected positions. What a loss!
5. Allowing the Unions to highjack the economy by demanding wages in proportion to their power, ignoring the market value and competition. Recent strikes by various unions are a reminder of Russia in 1919. What is there to stop in America what followed 1919 in Russia?
6. Look at our Income Tax Law; nearly 50% of the households escape paying income tax. Some are being paid by the Government under the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) program.
Incidentally, top 1% of the taxpayers pay more than 44% of the total revenue and the bottom 50% pay less than 3% .
7. Easy availability of guns and weapons to the common man by selective interpretation of the Constitution by special interest groups, resulting in horrific and frequent crimes. Now even the police officers are not able perform their regular duties without risk. Where is the common sense?
8. In Public Schools, kids grow up in an authority-defiance sub-culture, becoming hedonistic, ungovernable adults with difficulty fitting in an organized, disciplined society. They are not developing the normal sense of obligation or loyalty for the family, friends or the nation. Parents and teachers have abdicated their responsibility of proper care in the name of freedom of children.
9. Up until the 1960s, most of the immigrants were Europeans who were culturally transformed from Church-dependency to self-dependency during the Renaissance period. Even the Founders emphasized self-dependency. Since the 1960s, a significant number of non-Europeans have immigrated.
However, the Government never programmed any cultural orientation requirements. No wonder we see a significant expansion in social welfare program since the 1960s.
The size of taxpaying base should preferably not drop below 90% of the citizens.
10. The narrative: “Diversity is strength of America”, has falsely gained currency in
America. The reality is quite the opposite; the strength is in uniformity and unity. Some diverse groups challenge even English as the national language and celebrate their old country’s independence day with a great gusto while passive on July 4th. The diverse groups, unless brought in tune with the American political power, are weakening the American polity.
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