Foundation for Better Government

The goal of this non-partisan Foundation is to present and invite ideas for improving the structure and the quality of government performance on a continuous basis. Every government must be responsive, responsible, efficient, economical, and free of corruption.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Problem-plagued America Needs Some True Leaders

April 25, 2011.

Problem-plagued America Needs Some True Leaders
By T.S. Khanna, November 26,1988.

Note: This article appeared on December 3, 1988, in Contra Costa Times and some other local papers. It is reproduced to compare the conditions then and now..

Probably never before in American history has the public been so disappointed with the presidential election process as in 1988. After several months of campaigning by the presidential candidates, a large number of citizens were not convinced if any of the candidates were fit to be the president of the United States.

On November 8, a significant number of voters experienced a feeling of helplessness and a sense of defeat while each candidate prepared to celebrate victory. What caused this situation?

As I see it, both the presidential candidates presented themselves as efficient managers and not as national leaders. There is a distinct difference between an efficient manager and a true leader. A true leader must be able to inspire people and motivate them into acting and supporting voluntarily the leader’s perception of the public good or the national interest, even at the cost of sacrificing some self-interest.

On several occasions, each candidate superficially presented plans for managing the problems relating to drugs, environment, crime, abortion, and even day-care centers. But, none of the candidates, aspiring for the position of national leadership, made any effort to inspire the nation for any cause or purpose.

To inspire its people now, the national leaders must first identify the national cause or purpose. Then they must on the great common values of the nation as the underpinning of their speeches to persuade the citizens for emotional unity needed to pursue the national cause or purpose.

If the national leaders continue to ignore the responsibility of inspiring the citizens in various spheres of life, national pride and a sense of national coherence in the mind of the average citizen will be weakened and the dividing lines between ethnic groups, religions, states, and political parties will start hardening.

Today we need leaders:
• Who possess both substance and style.
• Who can inspire the business community and public officials alike for greater integrity and more effective performance in their daily affairs.
• Who can inspire the labor force with stronger work ethics, greater productivity, and better quality in comparison with the labor force abroad.
• Who can inspire corporate executives to share management problems and profits with their production staff.
• Who can inspire the common man to use greater discretion in buying imported goods such as cars, cameras, televisions and VCRs and give a fair chance to the American products.

Today, we do not need politicians who are good at manipulative maneuvers planned by campaign managers. We already have the best politicians that money can buy. What we need are the true leaders money cannot buy.

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