Foundation for Better Government

The goal of this non-partisan Foundation is to present and invite ideas for improving the structure and the quality of government performance on a continuous basis. Every government must be responsive, responsible, efficient, economical, and free of corruption.

Monday, August 13, 2018

PRESIDENT TRUMP: VOTERS' DILEMMA By T.S. Khanna, August 13, 2018.


           BY T.S. Khanna, August 13, 2018.

 One of the few vicious joys in the dirty world of politics is to cause your opponent placed in a hole and keep shoveling dirt on him.  At times, this vicious pleasure is drawn at one's own expense because of the inadvertent misjudgment.  This seems to be one of those times.

The case in point is President Trump, who is not wedded to either political party nor divorced from them.   He has supporters and opponents from each party. A nation so deeply divided by the two parties has been in great need of a party-neutral president.

The President, as head of the nation, must essentially be non-partisan.  Unfortunately, the U.S. Constitution is flawed in this respect.  Incidentally, as discussed elsewhere in the blog, our present form of representative democracy, fueled by the Bill of Rights and diversity, has set in centrifugal forces in the society that keep splitting the society while we keep erroneously  blaming our leaders.  An elected non-partisan president should be able to provide a centripetal force to keep the society integrated.  Details discussed elsewhere in the blog.

President Trump has become a voters' dilemma; they are split between his personality and his policies.  They do not like his unpredictable, unsteady, undiplomatic, and emotional personality that runs counter to the presidential dignity.  Yet they are appreciative of his achievements in the economic front at home and in foreign affairs abroad.

 For minorities, the economy has never been better in decades: Tax-cut and the lowest unemployment rate.  The success in foreign affairs has been creditable: ISIS, North Korea, fairness in foreign trade agreements.  The world is readjusting its course with a new self-protective America, giving full opportunity to all Americans.

Another enigma: Trump's policy to stop illegal immigration has been advertised by his opponents as the policy against the non-white immigrants: legal or illegal.  Yet, there is no evidence that Trump has done anything wrong to hurt legal immigrants: white or non-white.  Moreover, the Hispanics are the most hit by his border control policy and they class themselves as white.


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