Foundation for Better Government

The goal of this non-partisan Foundation is to present and invite ideas for improving the structure and the quality of government performance on a continuous basis. Every government must be responsive, responsible, efficient, economical, and free of corruption.

Sunday, November 26, 2023

SYNCRETIC RELIGION By T.S.Khanna, November 26, 2023..



Syncretic Religion

By T.S. Khanna, November 25,2023,

Foundation For Better Government,

164-Canyon Vista Place,

Alamo, CA-94507


In our hunger for knowledge, we float along with a wide variety of misinformation. 

“It is not what we do not know that hurts us.  It is what we know for sure that is not so”-----Mark Twain.


In the past, different prophets have perceived different ideal Gods and their edifices designed, including the hell and heaven.  In the process, they generated conflicting temporal and spiritual values, belief systems and customs.


Besides the perceived ideal Gods, there seems to be a practicing God who “often gives victory to the strong, crooked, and wicked; bestows wealth on the smart and intelligent; gifts superior living to the wise; gives courage without discretion to the foolish; gives optimism without insight to those in blind faith; gives an Overdose of morality and humility to the weak-minded; and, promises an illusion of heaven after death to the religion-obedient”.


Now in the advancing technology and changing culture, there seems to be a compelling need to minimize religious conflicts.  We need to scrutinize to the very roots of long-held, faith-based, cherished values, beliefs, and convictions with a purpose to rediscover, reinvent, replant and revitalize the conflicting values to shift their center of gravity within the acceptance range of modern people engaged in international affairs.


By softening and combining certain values, beliefs, and customs, we should be able to eventually evolve a Syncretic Religion, minimizing religious conflicts.  Imagine the positive effect of eliminating religious conflicts on humanity.


We urge the United Nations to initiate and complete this task.





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