Foundation for Better Government

The goal of this non-partisan Foundation is to present and invite ideas for improving the structure and the quality of government performance on a continuous basis. Every government must be responsive, responsible, efficient, economical, and free of corruption.

Friday, October 21, 2011

The Presidential Debate by T.S.Khanna,Oct. 21,2011.

October 21, 2011

The Presidential Debate

By T.S. Khanna, Oct., 21, 2011.

The prevailing mindset amongst the candidates and the media in the presidential debates is that of hound dog, not showing the substance. Micky-mouse questions and glib answers in sound bites, alternating in 60-second, 30-second intervals have no depth and mislead the voters.

The nation is going thru a period of crisis. The business of government must be taken much more seriously than presenting a series of entertainment dramas at political functions. So many conflicting facts are given by the candidates. One does not know what to believe or whom to believe. The media and the audience in attendance only look for smart quick answers to boost their respective candidates, not necessarily the right answers or verified facts.


  1. One month prior to the scheduled debate, each candidate may be required to post his/her election manifesto at the internet. The manifest may reflect on social, economic, political, and foreign affairs of the nation, along with proposed solutions and priorities. The facts and assumptions in the manifestos may be verified by the Election Commission prior to their posting.

  2. The debate may begin with a 10-minute summary presentation of the manifesto by each candidate. In the second round, each candidate may critique the manifestos of other candidates.

  3. The question from each candidate may be based on a thorough study of his/her manifesto.

The candidates must not be judged by their eloquence but by their substance. This is a critical time to establish forces for integrating the nation, not further dividing it by emotional eloquence. The greatest responsibility falls on the president.
