Foundation for Better Government

The goal of this non-partisan Foundation is to present and invite ideas for improving the structure and the quality of government performance on a continuous basis. Every government must be responsive, responsible, efficient, economical, and free of corruption.

Sunday, August 27, 2023



Presidential Candidates: Quality

By T.S. Khanna, August 27, 2023,


Our current system of elections does not draw out the best candidates for public voting.  Voters can only judge the candidates for their oratory or looks, not on other qualities or qualifications essentially required for excellence in job performance.


To improve the quality of candidates, we need to adopt pre-requisites to qualify a person as a candidate for public voting.  Brief hints of areas for the candidates’ education, training, experience, personal and public character are indicated below to trigger the reader’s mind for more suggestions. 


Details of acceptable ideas may be worked out by analyzing the causes of the past presidents’ avoidable mistakes or missed opportunities.  Based on these studies, pre-requisites may be established and adopted for quality control of the candidates.


Suggested areas:

1.     Education: Political science; Sociology; Geo-political history of the world; Math; Economics; Budgeting; U.S. History; Various ethnic groups inhabiting the U.S., their religions and customs; Presidential manners, morals and social graces.

2.     Training:  One year understudy with the Military Chief of Staff.

3.     Experience:  One term as U.S. Senator and one term as governor of a state.

4.     Personal & Public Character:  Family life relationships; Personal character; Public character, credit rating (Keeping in mind that elected officials have a significant influence on American values and culture.  Ignoring this fact has caused a loss of good values that made America so great in so short a time).

Thursday, August 03, 2023




Quality Control of Elected Officials

By T.S.Khanna, August 3, 2023,


At the time American (U.S.) government was established, the country was mostly rural.  The Founders did a great job of integrating the rulers’ desire of power expansion and the control on the rulers’ power by the ruled.  Political problems of that time were simple.   The Founders believed that every person, as a public official, could perform the duties equally well.


In the history of nations, certain periods create the need for a renewed public vision of life that transforms some long held values.  America is passing thru that period now.  Political problems have already become far too complex to be handled by the “Model A” form of Democratic System established by the Founders.


To meet the present day challenges, the quality of political leaders must be improved.  There is a clear need to establish educational and training programs as pre-requisites for different elected positions, discussed elsewhere.


Besides the education and training, hereunder some requisites are suggested to start improving the quality of our elected officials:

·      Age Limits; Min 25 Yrs., Max 70 yrs. (max age limit will starts softening the political parties animosity);

·      Elected officials may be only U.S. born citizens in good standing;

·      Must have worked and paid Federal tax for at least five years for eligibility to an elected position;

·      Must have record of good personal and public character and credit rating;

·      Exclusion of the mentally challenged, alcohol or drug addicts and the felony convicts;

·      All elected positions may be a 6-yr. term and no one may be eligible for the second term;

·      Freedom of speech may not allow wrong, misleading statements, fabricated facts, and indecent language.