Foundation for Better Government

The goal of this non-partisan Foundation is to present and invite ideas for improving the structure and the quality of government performance on a continuous basis. Every government must be responsive, responsible, efficient, economical, and free of corruption.

Monday, March 05, 2012

Democratic Party v/s Republican Party: At A Glance

Foundation for Better Governme

March 5, 2012.

Democratic Party v/s Republican Party: At A Glance.

By T.S. Khanna, March 5, 2012.

  1. Democrat Party (D) supports entitlement programs financed by higher taxes; Republican Party (R) thinks such programs, without limits, serve as incentives to increase poverty;
  2. D believes that people should be able to depend on government; R believes that government cannot be financially sustainable if increasing number of people continue to depend on government;
  3. D sees government as the provider to the poor; R sees government as facilitator for economic activities, allowing reward according to the individual’s struggle;
  4. D believes that government should be enlarged as a solution to the public problems; R believes that government should be kept small to keep it from becoming the public problem;
  5. D believes that additional funds by higher taxes would allow government to provide additional public services; R believes additional funds with government only create more wealth consuming bureaucrats while additional funds in public sector create more wealth producing jobs;
  6. D promotes government’s social responsibilities; R promotes citizen’s individual responsibilities and independence;
  7. D emphasizes equitable distribution of the existing wealth; R emphasizes creation of more wealth by facilitating wealth producing incentives;
  8. D believes capitalism makes people unequally rich; R believes socialism would make people equally poor;
  9. D thinks political problems must be viewed with a heart (feelings); R believes that they can be solved only with a mind (rational plans);
  10. D supports arms control; R supports citizens’ right to bear arms;
  11. D promotes stronger federal government; R promotes greater independence of the states ;
  12. D sees the political struggle between the corporations and the working classes; R sees the struggle between the working classes and the dependent classes. It believes that the poor are poor because they do not struggle to avail of the great opportunities offered in the country;
  13. D is strict in protecting the environment; R is willing to compromises to create jobs;
  14. D supports political solutions to economic problems; R promotes economic solutions to political problems;
  15. D supports labor unions; R considers them responsible for outsourced jobs, bankruptcies in some local governments and budget deficits;
  16. D places equality above morality and classic cultural values, especially in the domain of sexual behavior, e.g., same sex marriage; R strongly opposes that position;
  17. D promotes the woman’s right to abortion; R strongly opposes it;
  18. Both parties support elimination of budget deficit, D by raising taxes and R by cutting government expenses. Both parties did not accept the recommendations of Simpson-Bowels Commission supporting the national interest;
  19. Both parties condemn illegal immigration, but neither party is prepared to take effective action for the fear of losing certain votes critical to staying in power. For each party, staying in power has higher priority than serving the national interest.

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