for Better Government
July 9, 2012.
The Voters in Democracy
By T.S. Khanna, July 9, 2012.
Our zeal for democracy, as the best form of
government, has thrown us out of accuracy in judgment to notice the systemic
As the strength
of a chain depends on its weakest link, the quality of democracy depends on its
voters. In our present system, most
voters are ignorant about the political issues and their resolutions. Their collective judgment never rises above
their collective ignorance.
Both dogmatic
ignorance and scientific knowledge act as compost for their further growth. Scientifically oriented, knowledgeable
societies are progressive, dogmatically oriented, ignorant societies are retrogressive.
The ignorance of
voters impairs the roots of democracy. To improve the quality of democracy, the
dogma of the citizen’s right to vote as the “birth right” needs to be replaced
by the empirical learning that voting right be regarded as a privilege to be
earned by citizens with equal opportunity.
To earn the
voting right, the requirements may include but not necessarily limited to
· Citizen by birth ( to avert the
possibility of cultural invasion by immigrants);
· Citizen of good standing, free of any
felony conviction, bankruptcy, mental disorder, and any addiction that may
affect analytical thinking and rational judgment;
. Must be at least 30 years old;
. Must have paid Federal & State Income tax for at least five years;
· Certificate of completion of a prescribed
course on (a) democratic government, its structure, its purpose, its operations
at Federal, State, and Local levels, (b) responsibilities, powers, constraints,
and accountability of elected officials.
These requirements should protect the voters
from the highly exploitive and manipulative modern techniques used by the
political parties.