for Better Government
September 21, 2012
America at Political
By T.S. Khanna, September 21,
Democracy was
based on the assumption that voters would value their independence; have the
desire and ability for rational analysis of the confronting issues; and, make a
judgment for the common good by compromising their personal interests with the
public interest.
Similarly, independence
of the media (journalism) was protected to assure the supply of unbiased
factual information to the voters to facilitate independent judgment.
However, the
reality is different: Most voters have abandoned their responsibility of
studying, analyzing, and making rational judgment about the confronting issues.
They do not have the time, aptitude, or ability to comprehend and analyze the
political issues. They prefer to join a
political party and with blind loyalty keep supporting the party candidates and
its policies.
The media has
also been abandoning its responsibility: Smooth blend of news and opinions
mixed with half-truths and distorted facts are presented to the voters. The media divide continuously favors/opposes
one party or the other. This is not
journalism, it is activism disguised as journalism. It cannot be corrected; it is protected by
constitutional freedom of speech.
In addition, the
advanced techniques of psychological manipulation, amoral (non-moral) stance in
politics where ends justify means, and professional merchandising of the party
policies and candidates during campaigns treat the voters as a mass
market. Most voters are easily
manipulated as they do not have time or the taste for politics and yet want to
have a full say in it.
The system is
malfunctioning. However, the contagion
of malfunctioning is not complete yet and there is hope. There are still thoughtful independent voters
and ethically oriented independent journalists who can tip the balance.
Under the
circumstances, the facts presented by the media cannot be trusted or digested
by thoughtful voters. Nor can be trusted
the public persona or the oratory of the candidates padded with false promises
and utopian hopes. The best course for
independent voters is to discount all the propaganda of distorted facts and
ignore the candidates’ charisma, speeches and their personalities. Take a close look at the facts and policies
of the two parties that are undeniably clear:
- Both parties, the Democratic Party (DP) and the Republican
Party (RP) are responsible for the present economic mess.
- The economy is not improving and the blame game
is continuing. The two parties have
different approaches to improve the economy and reduce the deficit; DP
proposes to continue the past efforts and hopes for improvement. In addition,
DP would like to increase the tax rate on higher incomes to pay
for entitlement programs and budget deficit.
RP’s plan calls for (a) Reduction in taxes on all income levels
(including the Middle Class) and put more money in the hands of the taxpayers,
(b) Strengthening/encouraging more businesses/employers in the private sector
by reducing taxes, (c) As the preceding steps induce growth in employment
opportunities, more and more people, presently dependent on government
assistance, will move to the newly created jobs.
- DP believes its policies need more time to
succeed. RP believes that DP’s
continued policies will continue to increase the number of dependents on
government. RP believes that its
plan will not only fix the economy, it will also revive the old philosophy
of self-dependence, independent effort with its own risk/reward, minimum
government interference without curtailment of freedom. That philosophy has been at the root of
all American progress in the past.
- RP policies support Democratic Capitalism; DP’s
policies support Democratic Socialism.
The objection to Capitalism is that it makes people unequally rich
(according to their ability and effort).
The objection to Socialism is that it makes people equally poor
with government’s effort. Socialism
starts out distributing wealth and ends up distributing poverty. Capitalism has built in wealth producing
incentives; Socialism has built in wealth consumption/reduction features.
- DP, with its all inclusive policy, accepts and
pursues to legalize same-sex marriage; RP oppose it as degradation of
classic human values.
- RP opposes abortion rights of women (with certain
exceptions) curtailing the freedom of women; DP supports pregnant women’s
rights allowing them full freedom.
- RP opposes illegal immigration; DP accepts
illegal immigrants and allows them to be absorbed with public assistance
- RP oppose gun control as an assertion of
constitutional right; DP softly supports it without a definite plan or a
- RP gives greater importance to job creation than to environmental consideration, especially when the involved issues have not been proven beyond doubt. DP gives more importance to environmental issue and prefers to extend the welfare (entitlement programs) where jobs cannot be created due to environmental restrictions.
Now the growing struggle is not so much
between the Blacks v/s the Whites, or the Whites v/s the Non-Whites, or the
Rich v/s the Poor , the struggle seems to be growing between the Working
classes (bread-earners) and the Dependent classes (bread-winners).
The upcoming election in November 2012
will be pivotal in American history: If
the Democrat President wins with democrat majority in both the Houses (Congress
& Senate) Socialism will be in the wings; If RP wins with similar results,
the nation will start recovery towards Capitalism; If the President and the
House majority are of opposite parties, the nation will continue to consume
itself with congressional log jams, gridlocks and deadlocks.
Thoughtful independent voter can play a
significant role in the upcoming election.