Foundation for Better Government

The goal of this non-partisan Foundation is to present and invite ideas for improving the structure and the quality of government performance on a continuous basis. Every government must be responsive, responsible, efficient, economical, and free of corruption.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Renewal of Democracy By T.S. Khanna,

Foundation for Better Government

March 20, 2013

Renewal of Democracy
T.S. Khanna, March 20, 2013

Out of the past governing systems, democracy has evolved to create a balance between individual liberty and the state authority.  It provides periodic constitutional opportunities to the body politic for a peaceful change in governing officials.

However, no system adopted at any point in history can be everlasting without periodic and timely renewals.   Since its adoption in 1776, American democracy has not incorporated any significant changes.  The system is showing signs of fatigue. 

Now it seems that the present system is not sustainable unless
1.     The Bill of Rights is expanded to include attendant obligations;
2.     Equality is redefined to mean equality of opportunity and equal treatment under the law is no longer used to equate the best of human culture with the worst of human nature through “Justice is Blind” philosophy;
3.     Destructive competition that keeps decent people away from politics is replaced by constructive competition by (a) disallowing false blames and character assassination of opposing candidates, and, (b) requiring progressively strict qualifications and requisites to improve the quality of candidates as well as voters;
4.      Congress and Presidency are restructured by abolishing the Senate and establishing a 15-member non-partisan Supreme Council to take over the functions and responsibilities of the Senate and the President/Vice-President;
5.      All governmental operations are made corruption free and perceived by the public as corruption free and efficient.
               (Details discussed elsewhere).
Where are the “Political Pundits”?  Please reflect.