Foundation for Better Government

The goal of this non-partisan Foundation is to present and invite ideas for improving the structure and the quality of government performance on a continuous basis. Every government must be responsive, responsible, efficient, economical, and free of corruption.

Monday, December 28, 2015

Defeating ISIS By T.S. Khanna, December 28, 2015.

Foundation for Better Government

December 28, 2015
Defeating ISIS
By T.S. Khanna, December 28, 2015

To defeat an opposition, we must first understand its mindset, its constitution, and its strength and then develop a strategy focused more on changing the mindset and less on killing the enemy.

ISIS is a collection of Sunni Muslims who believe that they are the true Muslims and their pious goal of life is to convert the whole world to “true Muslims” or kill those who do not convert.  The Muslims, not supportive of them are considered apostate Muslims (Shea Muslims or well educated Muslims with a wider vision are apostates).  Non-Muslims are considered “Kafir”, who are in defiance of their God.  Their dreamy beliefs are reality to them from which they must be shaken loose.

Their primary enemies are apostate Muslims, USA, Europe, and Russia and then non-Muslim countries like India, or China.

To defeat ISIS, suggested steps are discussed below:
  • Establish an alliance of America, Russia, and Europe (ARE).  Common enemies or common interests are at the root of every alliance.  ISIS problem is now grave enough to call for such an alliance.  ISIS power would be minimal in comparison.
  • According to the will of Iraqi people, Iraq may be changed to three independent countries: Kurds (north), Sunnis (center), and Shea (south).  Democracy cannot hold the country together, dictatorship could barely hold it.
  • Withdraw all the presently engaged ARE forces from the region of conflict.  Let the chips fall where they may until the area regimes ask for the ARE’s assistance.
  • ARE may give assistance with appropriate conditions aiming at abolishing the ISIS ideology.  For example, Saudi Arabia may be required to root out WAHABI-ISM and quit financing “Madrassas”, preaching poison to Muslim children against non-Muslims in the Middle Eastern countries, Pakistan, and Afghanistan.  It may also be required to quit financing the secret training centers for terrorists established without the knowledge of fledgling Afghan government.
  • Establish an alliance between Israel, Iran, and Syria before giving them assistance to defeat ISIS.  Their intelligence sharing and a joint front would be of importance.
  • Require all the regimes in the Middle East to forbid teaching and sanctification of “convert or kill” ISIS ideology in schools and mosques.
  • Hunt out and destroy all the ISIS resources for their arms and training camps.
  • Forbid teaching or sanctification of ISIS ideology in all Muslim Schools and mosques in the USA, Europe, and Russia.  Also advise all non-Muslim countries to take similar action.  Well educated Muslims may press for similar action in Muslim countries.
  • ARE may provide minimal ground forces.  Area regimes may provide fighters with tested loyalty or sufficient leverage.
  • NOTE:  Some of these ideas may seem far fetched now but the trajectory of events is likely to lead to the suggested alliances.

Tuesday, December 08, 2015

Muslim Terrorists V/S The Muslim Community

Foundation for Better Government

December 8, 2015

Muslim Terrorists V/S The Muslim Community
By T.S. Khanna, December 8, 2015

At this most crucial time of rising tension against the Muslim community in the U.S., our leaders are only basking under the greatness of our shining ideals/values.  Muslim community, with a population of about 2.8 million and about 2,000 mosques, is a part of the American social mosaic of 325 million people, but none of the leaders from either party has offered an effective and lasting solution to the current problem.

We cannot continue to consult our ideals and ignore our experiences.  Greatness of ideals/values in the peace time can be a great weakness in the war time.  We are at war against ISIS, the Islamic radicalism (Muslims who do not tolerate non-Muslims).

In every community, most people are good and peaceful, but a few bad apples defame the whole community.  Muslim terrorists’ activities are defaming the Muslim community.

Like the Irish community a few years ago, the Muslim community faces a dilemma: they are ill equipped to openly challenge the bad element and if a few gutsy ones do, there would be no government protection for them.

Trump’s proposal has some merit in temporarily stopping Muslims from entering the U.S.  This should prevent/minimize the Muslim terrorism and allow time for healing and the Muslim community to regain the damaged prestige.

Here is yet another solution to consider:

·       Establish an anti-terrorists fund with voluntary tax deductible contributions;
·       Encourage all citizens, especially good Muslim citizens to openly condemn Muslim terrorists and contribute to the proposed fund;
·       The fund may be used  by the FBI/police to prevent terrorism and provide protection to the contributors.

Saturday, December 05, 2015

Call of the Hour by T.S. Khanna, December 5, 2015

Foundation for Better Government

December 5, 2015

Call of the Hour
By T.S. Khanna, December 5, 2015.

Recent mass killings are eloquently defining the call of the hour: Democracy, in its present form, is now inadequate to face the new challenge of providing adequate security for the citizens from home bred or foreign fed terrorists.  The rising level of insecurity is caused by growing (a) global Islamic fanaticism, and, (b) violent culture at home.

Let us examine the origin and growth of religious fanaticism and the government’s inability to provide adequate security.

“When one person suffers from a delusion, it is insanity; when a group of people suffer from delusions, it is justified as religion.  Every religion is a psychiatric disorder in which faith oriented believers seek mental comfort and justification for their actions from imaginary sources.  Each religion has created its own God whose imaginary picture is weaved in an imaginary fabric.  Specific values are then assigned to God to gratify the idiosyncratic fantasies of the religious leaders.”-----Anon.

If a delusion goes unchallenged for long it becomes a psychic reality, divorced from factual reality.  Conflicts between the psychic realities cannot be resolved by logic as they defy logic.  Suspension of critical thinking and unchallenged axiomatic truths continue to feed psychic realities and fanatic beliefs.

Psychic realities can also be caused by other belief systems besides religions: Democratic system of government.  The first Article of the US Constitution re the freedom of religion, and the second Article re citizens’ right to bear arms, have created a psychic reality which prevents the government to take preventive action against terrorists, home grown or ISIS fed.

Call of the hour is to revisit, reinterpret, or amend the two Articles to allow, as a starter,
  • Examining the religious books of every religion against the constitution and prohibit the teachings in conflict with the constitution.  Violations may be heavily punishable;
  • All religious institutions may be open to all people all the time, by law;
  • Banning violent games for children;
  • In public schools, to introduce courses on high morality for humanity, not religion specific;
  • Prohibit proselytizing of religions;
  • Restrict the right to bear only specified arms for adult citizens of sound character for specified uses.  Misused arms may be confiscated.