Foundation for Better Government

The goal of this non-partisan Foundation is to present and invite ideas for improving the structure and the quality of government performance on a continuous basis. Every government must be responsive, responsible, efficient, economical, and free of corruption.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

The U.S. Flag Burning By T.S. Khanna, November 30, 2016

Foundation For Better Government,

The U.S. Flag Burning
By T.S. Khanna, November 30, 2016

Should burning or disgracing the US Flag be permitted under the Constitution?  This has been a burning question in the American mind for quite sometime.

Let us first see what the Flag means to America.  The Flag is much more than an assembly of stars and stripes in red, blue, and white colors.  It is a silent but eloquent sound of what America stands for.  It represents one nation under God, indivisible…. It reps Americans as one people dedicated to fulfill the dream of freedom God has placed in every human heart.  It symbolizes the American sense of purpose and the spirit to pursue that purpose.  It is a symbol of hope for the humanity.

The Flag reps the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution-the Bill of Rights.  It reps the echoes of the American struggle since the 1770s that made this country the greatest ever in the human history.  It symbolizes the pride and power of America.

The Flag is a symbol of opportunities that America provides for everyone.  It is an assurance to every American that his/her origin matters little in comparison to the destination he/she chooses and pursues.  For every American, it is a symbol of self-confidence, and, faith and trust in God.

The Flag is a constant reminder to all governments and ideologies that the solution to human problems does not lay in oppression of people but in providing freedom and equal opportunity to individuals for self-expression.

Most of all, the Flag reps the American dream to make a better, safer world where people may freely exercise their God given right to freedom.

Burning or disgracing of the Flag (or National Anthem) means defiance, denial, and opposition to all that the Flag stands for.  It is an open display of hate for America.  It is a contagious pessimism that tends to flicker and hurt the national pride of a vast number of the US citizens.  The protester may relieve his/her tension but adds to a considerable social tension.  Those who burn the Flag or disgrace the National Anthem are American adversaries and should be required to face the consequences.

From myopic viewpoint, the Supreme Court has interpreted the Constitution in allowing the liberty to burn the Flag or disgrace the National Anthem as a protest.  The Supreme Court has ignored the overall effect of such protest actions. 

Sovereignty of the people is the fundamental principle of democracy.  The issues of Flag burning or disgracing the National Anthem should be decided through the ballot box.  If 67% or more Americans disapprove of the liberty for Flag burning or disgrace of the National Anthem, the Supreme Court interpretation of the Constitution may be reversed.     

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

ILLEGAL PROTESTS By T.S. Khanna, November 15, 2016

Illegal Protests
By T.S. Khanna, November 15, 2016

Today, it is the seventh day that protests against the acceptance of Mr. Trump, as the President-elect, are going on.  Such protests must be immediately stopped.  They are creating a dangerous precedent against democracy.  Such protests are unconstitutional, not permitted under the constitution.

Not accepting the results of a legitimate election is violation of the basic law of democracy.  Each political party, its leaders, and all citizens must obey this law and give all their support to Mr. Trump, the President-elect, who now represents the will of the American citizens.  Otherwise, there will be no democracy.

Democracy cannot afford to have such protests set a precedent.  Federal government must take a quick and strict action to stop such protests immediately.

Friday, November 11, 2016

Protest: Non-acceptance of the President-elect By T.S. Khanna, November 11, 2016.

Foundation For Better Government,

Protest:  Non-acceptance of the President-elect.
T.S. Khanna, November 11, 2016.

Watching the recent presidential election was like watching a football game without an umpire.   Responsible election commissions with adequate powers are desperately needed to control/regulate/conduct all future elections to regain the public confidence.

Politics is part of human nature.  Professional politics has now become the art of spotting potential for conflict, exploiting it, and applying unsuitable remedies to prolong the conflict.

The good of man, however, starts where politics ends.  Elections in democracy were designed to end politics after the elections were over.  We use liberty to elect officials with powers to curtail our destructive liberties.  Liberty/liberalism is acceptable only if its use is limited to the extent “as you would be done by”.

The present form of liberalism rooted in the protests against the acceptance of Mr. Trump as the President-elect has a tone and tendency to destroy the foundational values and established institutions of this great nation aspiring to become even greater.

Such unconstitutional protests are alarming and must not set a precedent.  Every effort may be intensified to allay the false fears of the protesters