Foundation for Better Government

The goal of this non-partisan Foundation is to present and invite ideas for improving the structure and the quality of government performance on a continuous basis. Every government must be responsive, responsible, efficient, economical, and free of corruption.

Thursday, December 14, 2017

SOME CRITICAL OBSERVATIONS, BY T.S. Khanna, December 14, 2017.


                                  SOME CRITICAL OBSERVATIONS
                                    By T.S. Khanna, December 14, 2017. 

 It seems that this great nation is going through a period of crisis.  Unless it is resolved, it can turn into a catastrophe.  That is why, I have felt compelled to write a few lines.

   1.  The two political parties (Republicans and Democratic)  have developed fanatics who want to defeat and destroy the other party or their icons at any cost.  Each party spends its best resources to gather public support by false propaganda full of hate and blame.  Their vision is too limited to see the damage they cause to the nation by pursuing parochial goals.
       The concept of free speech and equality is being most abused.  The effect of this abuse is multiplied by the advanced communications technology. 

2.   Independent media, a strong pillar of democracy, is no longer performing its function with neutrality, integrity and independence.   Journalists have degraded themselves to support parties or icons of their choice, at the expense of public service, expected in the Constitution.  
      The sources of reliable and factual information have been depleted for independent people to make a rational judgement on various issues.

3.   Election contests are no longer based on public issues.  Elections are won by the candidates who can more skillfully assassinate the character and personality of the opposition.

 1.   Accept and support Mr. Trump as a legitimately elected President of the USA.
Democracy allows opposition during the election and demands cooperation and support of the opposition for the winner after the election.

2.   President Trump seems to have a special talent for improving the economy.  He is striving to be known as the President of "higher-pay-check-for-everyone".  Do not kill the goose that lays golden eggs.  Give him cooperation and support.  Give him a chance.  The alternative is disastrous. 

3.  Here is a request to the President:    
               Mr.President;  Please use the reserve expected of the presidential dignity.  Quit tweeting and equating yourself with things insignificant for your position.  Abandon the school kid mindset of getting even.  Listen to the First Lady, Melania, and act within the bounds of presidential dignity.  Each President must leave a legacy, further elevating the Oval Office.

4.   Journalists must get back to the high moral road of public service by investigating and presenting facts with neutrality.

4.  Congress must stop the Russian Collusion investigation and dissolve the Mueller team.  It is only going to produce "still born deliveries" further splitting the nation.

5.   Give immunity against prosecution to Democratic Party icons for their weaknesses or failings in political judgments or neglects.

5.   Both parties, instead of fighting against each other, must cooperate to improve the lot and security of the citizens.

6.   The Me-Too flu affecting the elected officials is further taking the attention away from the critical issues of the time.  The women who feel violated must go the court.  The convicted men must  be penalized in accordance with the law.  To clean up the mess, adopt laws that would bar such convicts from any public office.

In childhood, we ignore what mothers say.  In later years, their sayings resound eloquently;  "It takes several  generations to build a good culture and only one generation to destroy it".  The Founders of this great nation gave a strong foundation of democratic values.  Their practice over the years gave America democratic culture.  Are we going to destroy it now?