By T.S. Khanna, April 18, 2018
We can make America greater. We can keep America the greatest. If only, we can save America from itself.
The bitter lesson we are learning from American democracy is that the biggest enemy of democracy is democracy itself, i.e., the present form of democracy that provides an open season for fake news and irresponsible free speech without any accountability.
Fake news, fake imaging, and misinformation conveyed under the garb of "most trusted news" have caused audio and visual pollution in America, resulting in mass mental indigestion in public. People seem to have lost the distinction between right and wrong and between good and bad. They are losing respect for the values that made this country and hold the society together. They are losing respect for the elected officials. More and more of them are becoming ungovernable.
Is this the type of democracy we want to profess or export?
Do we elect a president to disgrace him, obstruct his ability to perform his duties or disable him? The downfall of a president is America's failure; his success is America's success. Does the nation not lose its own dignity in working against the elected President?
Look at the present state of affairs. This is certainly not what the Founders of this great country intended. The present abuse of individual and collective liberties is ruining America. We urge political leaders and journalists to self-examine themselves to develop a wider vision. They must quit inciting the voters on parochial issues. Political morality demands that parochial issues be adjusted within the orbit of national interest.
We will discuss later the guardrails for democracy to keep it from falling astray. Right now we strongly recommend that the long drawn Russian investigation be ended immediately, the government's attention be focused on important national and international affairs, and free up the President to perform his urgent duties.