By T.S.
Khanna, December 4, 2018.
Two hungry cats
were fighting over a loaf of bread. A
fox offered to divide the loaf equally for the cats by weighing the two
parts. In the process of making the two
parts equal, each time the fox would take a slice of the heavier side and keep
it in her den. The fox ended up getting
the whole loaf; the cats got nothing but a “fair treatment of equality”. The fox felt rewarded for her smarts.
Now imagine the
two cats as the two power-hungry political parties and the fox as the
Judiciary. Each time, the two parties
are not able to compromise and decide on a political issue, it is taken to the
Judiciary for decision; just a few examples:
issue of racial segregation in public schools was decided by the Supreme Court
in 1954.
issue of abortion rights (Roe v/s Wade) has been decided by the Supreme Court,
time and again; first in 1973, then again in 1989,1992, 2003, and 2007.
issue of women’s rights v/s religious rights (Hobby-Lobby case-2014; the case
of covering women’s contraceptives in health insurance) was decided by the
issue of same-sex marriage: The Defense
Of Marriage Act 1996 was overruled by the Judiciary in 2003
(Massachusetts). Public reaction placed
anti-gay measures on the ballot in eleven states where it passed with 70%
public support. In 2012, measures
banning same-sex marriage passed in thirty-two states. Yet, in 2015, the Supreme Court decided in
favor of same-sex marriage by asserting that it was “constitutionally protected
under equal rights”.
reversals of the Presidential Executive Orders by the Judiciary for which the
Judiciary has no Constitutional powers. They are also a disconnect with political
American culture-transforming issues of drugs, porno, lesbian, homo, same-sex marriage, single
mothers, illegal immigrants, home-land security are decided by the Judiciary
under the banner of “Equality-Justice-is-blind-Constitutionality”.
Some of the decisions are causing the
destruction of American culture and are against the will of the people. Precious cultural inheritance of America is
being eroded fast.
Equating the
best of human culture ( classic human values) with the worst of human nature (porno) may be constitutionally
justifiable under the philosophy of equality and blind justice, but it is most
repelling to a culturally refined mind. It is an attack on the cultural inheritance that made this country so great.
The Constitution
is a brief document adopted by the first Congress in a radically different
historic age. The brevity of its language allows different
interpretations, especially when taken out of the context. Whims, values, and convoluted logic of different judges are
honored under the guise of “constitutional interpretation”.
The three
branches of the government are co-equal under the Constitution. There is no other interpretation. However, under the present practice, the
power of Judiciary over the other two branches mutates the will of the people,
which must be held supreme in democracy.
It is represented by the Congress and the President.
In this context, we refer to (a) The Law of the Constitution By A.V. Dicey, and, (b) Government By Judiciary By Raoul Berger.
It may be marked
that the difference between the U.S. and the other countries has been the
culture, that set it apart in scientific economy, not so much the resources. If
America’s basic values of the culture that made America great fall. everything else may also fall. Day-to-day fall in culture may not look
significant but look at the cumulative effect from 1960 till now.
Due the
low-grade performance of the Congress, the fox is turning into a lion, crushing
the inherent American culture, its identity, and its security.