By T.S. Khanna, March 13, 2019.
Socialists are the people who, under the pretext of social justice, like to have others’ wealth, instead of creating their own. They are propagating that less than eighty individuals own as much wealth as half of the world population owns. It may not be a verifiable fact but it makes a good slogan to incite people who would prefer to take others’ wealth rather than work for it themselves. Wealth is created when human intelligence, energy, and motivation are organized to do something what the society needs. Emphasis on distribution of wealth instead of creating more wealth is inviting poverty.
The case in point is an actively engaged Pied Piper (Bernie Sanders) calling for Socialism. It is so easy to lure and mislead the young people to a blind spot in the name of social justice. Such calls pit non-working people, who do not pay taxes, against the working classes, who pay taxes. Economy can be made stronger by bringing more people into working-tax-paying class, not by inciting the people to demand others' wealth.
Assuming skewed possession of wealth is correct, there is no legal or moral justification to demand that the wealth of the wealthy be distributed among the poor. Two points come to mind: 1.World's wealth is not a fixed quantity; it is variable, and, 2. Wealth does not have an absolute value; its value is relative.
More wealth can be created by those who may decide to do so. Since the value of wealth is relative, the more wealth people create, the more power of wealth is taken away from the people who are already wealthy.
Every reason leads us to create a society with full individual freedom and economic opportunity with incentives to create more wealth. There is no moral or economic justification to forcibly distribute others wealth, through taxation, to the poor who do not work for it, but gladly vote for it. That is socialism, only a step away from communism.
That is why, wealth producing Capitalistic Democracy, with all its flaws, is the only solution to maintain democracy and remove world’s poverty. Much progress has been made during the last twenty five years, according to the United Nations statistics.
The greatness of today’s America is founded on the Capitalistic Democracy and well organized competitive corporations. It is not because of the social welfare system or entitlement wealth consuming programs. Socialism would be a further extension of the wealth consuming programs with little incentive to produce more wealth. That will be lead to poverty on a fast track.
Main complaint against wealth producing Capitalism is that it makes people unequally rich. The complaint against wealth consuming Socialism is that it makes everyone equally poor.
We believe that Socialism has no place in a prosperous America, while there is a need to improve upon the existing Capitalistic Democracy.