Foundation for Better Government

The goal of this non-partisan Foundation is to present and invite ideas for improving the structure and the quality of government performance on a continuous basis. Every government must be responsive, responsible, efficient, economical, and free of corruption.

Friday, May 05, 2023

THIRD PARTY FOR AMERICA By T.S.Khanna, May 5, 2023.


Third Party For America,

By T.S. Khanna, May 5, 2023,


With the founding of American Government, the U.S. Constitution also created a lab to observe, analyze and understand how the most appealing democratic theory works in practice.  A close look at the Democratic System adopted in 1887, seems as if it is now cracking to the point of a breakdown.


It is an opportunity for political scientists and proponents of democracy to evaluate and shore up its weaknesses, while opponents of democracy condemn it.


Over the years, the two-party system has caused a seismic shift in the philosophy and goals of the two parties: Republican Party’s emphasis on wealth production thru Capitalistic Democracy; and, Democratic Party’s emphasis on wealth distribution thru Socialistic Democracy.


While the in-group of each party fanatically sticks to its core values, more and more people are feeling alienated from both parties.  Republican Party is considered “Heartless” for its opposition to gun control; Democratic Party is regarded “Mindless” for its support on social spending, causing deficit.


Yet, the nation is bitterly divided by the two parties, rendering the Democratic System dysfunctional in America.  Now, there are also a large number of people who feel alienated from the “Heartless” or “Mindless” Parties.  They strongly believe in capitalistic democracy, gun control, and strict control on social spending.  They are supporters of pro-choice and freedom of women.  They oppose giving the status of normalcy to the same-sex marriage and LGBT.


For damage control and reunification of the Nation, the Nation is need of a third party to accommodate the citizens alienated from both the Parties.  The proposed third party is likely to soften the core of each party, and help the prevailing democratic system become functional again.