Foundation for Better Government

The goal of this non-partisan Foundation is to present and invite ideas for improving the structure and the quality of government performance on a continuous basis. Every government must be responsive, responsible, efficient, economical, and free of corruption.

Monday, August 12, 2024

Employers' Unions By T.S. Khanna, August 12, 2024.


Employers’ Unions

By T.S. Khanna, August 12, 2024,

Foundation For Better Government.


Minimum wage fixation is a delusional tool used by smart politicians to fool voters into their camp.  It does not raise standard of living; it only triggers inflation.  Based on the new minimum wage, all wages are re-fixed disproportionately higher than the minimum wage.  Prices of goods rise accordingly, further reducing the purchasing power of the dollar, leaving the low wage earners even in a worse position than before.  As more dollars buy fewer goods, inflation sets in, creating a need for still another higher minimum wage.  The cycle goes on without raising the standard of living of low wage earners.


To raise the standard of living of low wage earners, our effort should be to increase the purchasing power of the dollar by using more efficient wealth production techniques, especially for energy production.


In the past, labor unions have caused a lopsided economy in their favor, driving jobs out of America and serving as a disincentive to higher education.  With progressive development and application of technology, labor unions demands could be met in the past.  Now saturation points have come and other countries are also using those techniques.


To bring the labor unions forces in balance to control inflation, there seems to be a pressing need to create Employers’ Unions and Buyers’ Unions.  Such a counter force will truly divert our efforts to control inflation and raise the standard of living for the low wage earners.

Monday, July 08, 2024




American Constitution

BY T.S. Khanna, July 8, 2024,

Foundation For Better Government,



Probably, never before the American polity has been so divided as it is today.  As the presidential election is moving closer, tensions are rising to the flash-point.  Yet, a deeper look shows that t is not the Americans but the outdated American Constitution at fault creating almost two cultures of the two parties dividing, and pitting people against one another.


Human mind is full of illusions, but human knowledge is limited to limited physical realities.  In the period of crisis, articulation of illusionary vision overpowers realistic vision.  The abstractions and assumptions of the illusionary vision get tested only after it is adopted and practiced.  Subjectivity, created at the time also feeds to weakness of the adopted system.


A systemic fault with such systems is that they do not carry any mechanism for periodic review, evaluation and essential amendments in response to changing political conditions. Eventually, the solution of political problems of one time becomes the cause of next crisis.  This what is happening in America.  Political systems get formulated from crisis to crisis.   


Although, American Founders reflected a great deal of experience and thought, they could not foresee the type of changes that  have occurred in the American polity.  Today, the American Constitution has a considerable value as intellectual inheritance but not much for current use.


Now the call of the time is to rewrite a new constitution in light of the 248 years of experience, preserving the  core values of democracy.


Wednesday, June 05, 2024



BY T.S. KHANNA, June 5, 2024,



ALAMO, CA 94507


Ref item: “If He Wins” by Eric Cortellesa, TIME issue of May 27, 2024

Note: Most of the frustration in the governmental operations, as pointed out by Trump, can be traced to the outdated Constitution – not the “irresponsible Democratic Party” or the “In-fighting Republican Party.” The problems are rooted in the undefined limits of freedom and individualism.

President’s powers to efficiently achieve his agenda are limited by the Constitution. Use of power beyond the Constitution and tradition would be challengeable and frustrating, further keep splitting the American polity.

Hereunder are our comments on Trump’s declarations:

1.    Trump: “I will fire top advisors instead of letting them resign.”

Sir, you will only create more and stronger enemies. We do not gain dignity by destroying others’. Be more personable: “How to win friends and influence people” by Dale Carnegie.

2.    Trump on illegal immigrants by use of detention camps & military.

Trump is justifiable if softer means do not work. The number of illegal immigrants is estimated at 18-22 million, not eleven million, as mentioned by Trump.

3.    Trump on Abortion

The Constitution supports individual liberty. We do not think the Supreme Court, or any other political or religious organization has powers to curtail that individual liberty for abortion. The roots of abortion lie in economic and social values, we have created by giving too much liberty to children before maturity. That has been destroying that old culture that made America great. Family values have been destroyed by emphasis on individual liberty without social, family, or moral responsibility. Too much individualism turns people into non-compromising, combative persons. That is now translating into political conflicts.

4.    Pardon for 800+ people found guilty of attacking the US Capitol on January 6, 2021

Such an en-masse pardon would create disastrous precedent for the nation that needs more discipline and better human relations. President’s obligation is to make the nation better united.

                  President Lincoln, under great stress said: “My paramount object in the struggle is to save the Union……… With malice towards none, with charity for all; with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nation’s wounds ……… to do all which may achieve and cherish a just, and a lasting peace, among ourselves, and with all nations.”

5.    Trump blamed for draconian policy for separating migrating families at the Southern Border

The blame lies not on Trump but on the parents who risked their children for illegal entry to the US. It is the parents who should be prosecuted

6.    Presidential historian, Douglas Brinkeley:“A second Trump term could bring the end of our democracy and the birth of a new kind of authoritarian order.”

Our democracy has been growing dysfunctional since the 1960’s. Trump has articulated it. Now that we have enough experience with democracy designed 248 years ago, we should be able to amend or rewrite a more suitable Constitution without losing the core democratic values and adopt it eventually.

7.    Trump’s emphasis on preventing non-citizens from voting.

We fully support Trump and such prevention may be built in our voting system.

8.    Trump’s Pledge of Allegiance is converting the ultimate symbol of national unity into a weapon of factional devotion, especially when rioters are honored as “J-6 Patriots.”

This is disastrous for the nation.

9. Enhancing Presidential powers by using “Unitary Executive Theory.”

                  American presidency was designed to do the job more through personal popularity and influence rather than officially designated powers. However, in a multi-cultural society with equal rights of varied values, it is not easy to gain personal popularity. Powers divided for checks and balances need adjustment. Emergency powers may be objective and time specific.

10. Control of the Southern Border:

                  We support Trump’s policy of controlling the Southern border rather than hunting out illegal immigrants. During the last five decades, while the border control measures have been in dispute by the two parties, many immigrants have settled in the US illegally. It is like a silent and soft invasion on the culture and economy of the country.

                  Posse Comitatus Act 1878, prohibiting military force on civilians may be revisited for its efficacy on non-citizens. Regardless, we recommend soft measurements to achieve the objectives when workable.

11. Policy of Protectionism: 

Under the philosophic consideration, “For Americans, America first” has merit in Trump’s proposal of Protectionism. However, this issue has strong ties to the powers of the Unions and the employers that must be limited by appointing Fair Wages Commission with adequate powers to assure fair wages as well as competitive quality and pricing in the free market. That would spur industrial renaissance in the USA.

12. MAGA: 

                  Making America great Again seems to have several perceptions: some believe it means making America white again by taking all non-whites out of America; others believe it means regaining the old values lost that made America great. Trump and his supporters’ perception of MAGA should be openly and clearly explained.

                  America has lost precious cultural and economic values but that is not because of non-whites. That is because of abdication of responsibility by parents at home and teachers at school of teaching the cultural and human relations values and disciplining the children. They seem to justify the abdication of this great responsibility in the name of liberty to the child. School children use this as an opportunity to develop their own ‘sub-culture of defiance’ in the schools. In that sub-culture they develop disconnected personalities without a sense of discipline.

13. NATO: 

                  The countries of NATO seem to have developed a culture of dependency on America for reasons best known to them; none of those countries have given their fare share of support to Ukraine. In resisting the Russian attack. US has spent $100 billion to defend Ukraine.

                  We support Trump’s foreign policy; every country must pay its fair share, no free riders. Shared values of political and economic freedom must be defended by the beneficiaries also.

14. Dictatorship V/s Democracy:

                  Frustration of Trump and many others with our present form of democracy is understandable. Look at

·      The open border: indecision and inability to control the Southern border for the last five decades allowing 18-22 million illegal immigrants to settle and vote in the US

·      The number of school children killed and high crime rate by easy availability of guns, even when more than 70% of the population wants gun control.

·      Abortion bans, cutting the very roots of individual liberty.

·      The growing mob-rule by misinterpretation of cherished principles of democracy. Democracy was designed for the ruled to have control over the rulers to avoid tyranny, not for the mob-rule.

·      The intended checks and balances design on govt. has become the cause of logjams in governmental operations.

·      Election process is no longer intended competition to improve the quality of candidates and it has become very abusive and divisive for the society.

Now we have 248 years of experience with democracy. Our scholars have the ability to pinpoint the weaknesses and strengths of our present form of our democracy. Our Constitution must be revisited and amended or re-written to suit the changed political conditions. 

         By encouraging equality of multiculturism, we weaken the values that made America great. Non-uniform values now are not likely to produce a constitution acceptable to all multicultural representative groups.

         This is the tip of the iceberg indicating reasons of frustration with our present form of democracy. The solution to our frustrations is there but it is a long term and not a short-term solution.

Thursday, February 15, 2024



BY T.S. KHANNA, FEB 10, 2024,

On March 23, 1971, Congress proposed 26th Amendment to allow voting rights for the teenage. On July 1st, 1971, 3/4th of the states ratified the proposed 26th Amendment, lowering voting right from age 21 to 18.

The narrative used as the main argument to lower the voting age was: “if a citizen is old enough to fight in a war, he/she is old enough to vote also”.
The narrative sounds logical to the common man without being so. For carrying out orders to fight, a different mindset is required than to make an independent judgment for voting.


When our logic is not in order, the more of it we use, the greater is our cultural ignorance.


Now take a look at the non-partisan insight of the medical science of the teenage brain.


·       It is wired differently than that over the age of 22;

·       It is a confounding organ;

·       It’s quotient of grey matter --- neuron filled responsible for cognitive and emotional functions --- peaks only in age well into the twenties.

·       It is short on the white matter (cerebrum) that ensures coordination of various thoughts and emotions within the brain.

·       The connection between the frontal lobe and the rest of the brain does not fully form until the age 22 or more. Frontal lobe is the part of the brain with ability of foreseeing the consequences of one’s actions and the difference between good and bad.

·       Generally speaking, the young brain is the brawn that gradually ripens into brain with age.


We recommend that the minimum voting age should be raised to 25 years with certain prerequisites discussed elsewhere.


Sunday, December 31, 2023



Non-Partisans of America: Politically Homeless

By T.S. Khanna, December 31, 2023.

Foundation For Better Government


The two-Party political culture in America has fanatically divided the American polity making the non-partisans politically homeless.  In a mode of anger and vengeance, one can harm himself more than others.  Each party struggles to be in power, even at the cost of national interest.  Centrifugal social forces activated by rep democracy keep up the divisive stress on the society.  There is no centripetal force in government design, or otherwise in operation, to protect and promote the national interest.


Under the present political culture, America is hemorrhaging.


Moreover, there has been noticeable erosion in the American public character during the last few decades.  In democracy, it is the public character that keeps the quality control of elected officials and governmental operations.  Lacking quality is obvious in many of our elected officials.


Public character is destroyed with no or little liberty, or, with too much liberty and individualism at too young an age without appropriate guidance and discipline.  Here it is too much liberty.  Children brought up with too much liberty miss out on certain human values that generate sense of responsibility and social cohesion.  Eventually, it has an adverse effect on political climate. 


Still valid is the old saying: “When wealth is lost, nothing is lost; when health is lost something is lost; when character is lost, everything is lost”.


Fair solution to America’s internal political problems can be generated only by non-partisan mindset. The Congress and the President are urged to rise to the occasion and save the nation with a non-partisan mindset, giving national interest the highest priority.  

Monday, December 18, 2023

THE PIVOT POINT By T.S.Khanna, December 18, 2023.


The Pivot Point

By T.S. Khanna, December 18, 2023.


We have moved into a time of disbelief and distrust. Religions have turned into political parties.  Faith in God has changed its meaning to seek victory to dominate others.  Human intelligence has outstripped human wisdom.  Children are being taught to hate other religions. The trajectory of increasing hate content is going to fast replace the prevailing goodwill around the world.  The developing situation is likely to result into perpetual wars around the world.


Surrounded by modern weaponry and religious conflicts, we are living in an explosive time of constant floating anxiety and uncertainty.  Scientific progress without ethics is disastrous but there is no uniformity of ethics due to the religious differences.  Ethics-free power impulse of scientific wonders now have a scope to meet the demands of people with an easy ride to power in a religious conflict.


With an on-going inexorable scientific progress as well as religious conflicts, we are at a pivot point marked by both hope for a great future and a warning of a great disaster for humanity.  Transformative events are now compelling us to usher in a new worldwide civilization with universally acceptable common values.


Looking thru historical and current events, we can reflect with greater clarity and objectivity our values, our principles, and our experiences that have benefitted us or harmed us over the years.  We must reexamine our values for the sake of our survival.


The United Nations is the only representative organization of humanity that can logically undertake the responsibility of ushering in the worldwide civilization by resolving differences in religious values.


The UN may now be equipped with a Dialectical System to identify the religious values that cause conflict and may also be empowered to resolve them.  It is doable.



Sunday, November 26, 2023

SYNCRETIC RELIGION By T.S.Khanna, November 26, 2023..



Syncretic Religion

By T.S. Khanna, November 25,2023,

Foundation For Better Government,

164-Canyon Vista Place,

Alamo, CA-94507


In our hunger for knowledge, we float along with a wide variety of misinformation. 

“It is not what we do not know that hurts us.  It is what we know for sure that is not so”-----Mark Twain.


In the past, different prophets have perceived different ideal Gods and their edifices designed, including the hell and heaven.  In the process, they generated conflicting temporal and spiritual values, belief systems and customs.


Besides the perceived ideal Gods, there seems to be a practicing God who “often gives victory to the strong, crooked, and wicked; bestows wealth on the smart and intelligent; gifts superior living to the wise; gives courage without discretion to the foolish; gives optimism without insight to those in blind faith; gives an Overdose of morality and humility to the weak-minded; and, promises an illusion of heaven after death to the religion-obedient”.


Now in the advancing technology and changing culture, there seems to be a compelling need to minimize religious conflicts.  We need to scrutinize to the very roots of long-held, faith-based, cherished values, beliefs, and convictions with a purpose to rediscover, reinvent, replant and revitalize the conflicting values to shift their center of gravity within the acceptance range of modern people engaged in international affairs.


By softening and combining certain values, beliefs, and customs, we should be able to eventually evolve a Syncretic Religion, minimizing religious conflicts.  Imagine the positive effect of eliminating religious conflicts on humanity.


We urge the United Nations to initiate and complete this task.