Syrian Refugee-Immigrants, By T.S. Khanna, November 23, 2015
- For immigrants’ integration with the local population, welcome from the local population is necessary. Under the prevailing Muslim phobia, such a welcome cannot be expected;
- Not integrated immigrants would become an easy prey for ISIS to radicalize them;
- The job market in America does not look good in the foreseeable future. Each time the minimum wage is increased, more people are thrown out of jobs into the welfare program. There are already more than 45 million people on food stamps, compared to 35 million, seven years ago.
- There is a cultural lag in understanding and resolving this problem in American leadership. They still keep repeating that America is a country of immigrants, so we should accept Syrian refugee-immigrants. They fail to see that, in the past, immigrants came to build a better future for them. In that struggle, they built a better America. Now some immigrants are coming to destroy America. Syrian refugees offer a great opportunity for ISIS to infiltrate their agents as refugees. No reliable background checks can be possible; and,
- To keep a close watch on suspected infiltrated agents, additional FBI resources would be required causing additional burden on the taxpayers.