Foundation For Better Government
An Appeal To All U.S. Citizens
By T.S. Khanna, August 23, 2018.
More than one and a half year has passed since President Trump was elected. Until today, he has not been given a chance to devote full time and attention to work he was elected to do. He is constantly burdened with some investigation or the other. His opponents in both parties have still not accepted his Presidency and continue to obstruct the performance of his public duties. They do so at the cost of public interest and national interest.
In spite of the unprecedented opposition, President Trump's achievements, during the short period of his presidency, are remarkable at home as well as in foreign affairs: great economy---highest stock market, lowest unemployment rate (especially for minorities and women, who are getting back their lost self-confidence and pride, so important for mental health) in the U.S. history, increasing wages, and tax cuts for everyone, moving the U.S. industries and jobs back to America, reorganization of relationships with foreign countries to protect American interests without exploiting others, handling of North Korea, ISIS, illegal immigration, China, and Russia.
George Washington, in his farewell address, had warned the nation about the negative effects of the political parties system. Those negative effects are being felt now.
The nation has psychologically divided itself into fanatic party loyalties, no less than religious fanaticism. It is a slow inadvertent suicide of democracy. It is hurting the national interest. It is the time for everyone to do some clear thinking in terms of national interest where all your self-interests reside. It is the time for everyone to break loose from party prejudices and refuse to be incited/misled/exploited by vote seekers. It is the time for independent analysis of facts, not of the fake/fabricated news.
Judging from a non-partisan viewpoint, President Trump has done a Herculean job in serving the American people. But for the constant obstruction, he could have probably achieved more.
Hereby, we appeal to all U.S. citizens, regardless of their party affiliation (a) to forget the party loyalty and protect your and your family's interest, (b) give full support to the President, (c) remove all encumbrances of investigations which are a heavy burden on tax-payers with negative returns for the nation, (d) allow the President to devote full time and attention to his duties, (e) Look at the scenarios of alternatives created by not supporting, not cooperating, or opposing the duly elected President.
President Trump may not be the best politician but he is showing the potential to be the one of the best presidents, when judged by his services to protect and promote the national interests.
Forget the party loyalty fanaticism and GIVE HIM A CHANCE TO DO YOU GREATER GOOD.